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Reliquiae Vol 7 No 1

Various Authors

Reliquiae Vol 7 No 1

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ISBN 978-1-9160951-0-6


Reliquiae Volume 7 No 1 features symphonies of stone and of the turning of the seasons; there are evocations of the goddesses Epona and Demeter, of presences within caves, the return of spring, and day’s dispelling of darkness; there are new poetic renderings of the early Irish ogham stones, and ancient invocations of the ‘Great Goddess’; there are discussions of Giordano Bruno’s thoughts on natural forms, ‘innumerable’ worlds, and ‘ceaseless change’, and contemporary observations on the pathway to joy through touch and the contemplation of physical forms; there are nocturnes and deltaic lines, Norse creation myths & Tsimshian deluge stories; there are poetic reflections on the voices of water, the medicine of roots, on divination with bones, and the sealing of wounds; there are Babylonian magical petitions to the moon and stars, Heraclitus’ aphorisms on the natural world, new and old translations from the Poetic Edda, works from Anglo-Saxon leechdoms on bloodletting, and poetic explorations of the mythic far north.

Contributors: Peter Mark Adams, Erica Bell, Franz Boas, Robin Boothroyd, Olive Bray, Giordano Bruno, Oswald Cockayne, Susan Fenimore Cooper, Emily Dickinson, Kerri ní Dochartaigh, Rowan Evans, Chloe Firouzian, Adam Flint, the Haida, Wendy Heath, Heraclitus of Ephesus, Andy Hopkins, Kathryn Hummel, Keith Jafrate, Vasiliki Katsarou, Rudolf Keysner, Leonard W. King, Charles G. Leland, Koert Linde, Gerry Loose, J. Lewis McIntyre, Christine Morro, Christopher Page, G.T.W. Patrick, Barclay Pennock, Gillian Prew, Autumn Richardson, James Roberts, Oliver Southall, Penelope Shuttle, Richard Skelton, Hannah Tolman, the Tsimshian, Jane Wheeler, Walt Whitman.

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